Tuesday, September 14, 2004

After a brief period of hibernation I finally thought that its time I come out my laziness and write something to make my miniscule(intellectually) presence felt in the scope of freaks inc's ever gaining popularity

I just wanted to start a series of short stories which are small anecdotes from my engineering days. The first leg - an incident ( story if you may) is as follows

"Sabnis" the landlord and "Moti" the Dog

Back in my second year of engineering I had rented a place to stay with one of my friends Vikram Tejwani who was an dimploma holder in Pharmacy.We stayed in the outhouse cum student hostel cum slum in the bungalow of one Mr. Sabnis, a senile and cynical ripe mango(78 yrs old who could have conked off at the strike of the hour clock) , his wily old bitch(pray for her soul, but doesnt change facts) Late Mrs Sabnis who was as mean and menacing as a young Kokanast Bhramin housewife belonging to the Army Men society in Kothrud, Pune. The other members in their family were their son, daughter-in-law and their grand-children who were reasonable and friendly. Seems to me that their son was not their child at all.. I'll leave the imaginations for your perverted minds !
Living to his reputation of stingy parsimony , Sabnis retracted from his original promise of having just two tentats live in his outhouse and before I came back from vacation, I see a third idiotic character called Parag who had stuck notes like " Please remove your shoes outside the house", "Please dont put anything on my table" and the likes. Fresh from ragging a bunch of juniors I had to mete out the same treatment to Parag. Vikram and I were absolutely unreasonable to him which ensured that he got off the house within a month. The only accordance he had with us was in the common sentiment that Sabnis had cheated us by putting three in one room which was meant for two.
Once we (Vikram and I ) decided that it was too much to live in a crowded chawl like atmosphere when you are paying so much, we decided to show Sabnis the finger in our own sweet way. But lo !! Mrs. Sabnis had a different facet to her already bitchy personality. She stole our bags from our room and refused to budge with them unless and until we paid her that semester's money in cash and also brought new tenants to that fuck of a place. Then the following dialogue ensued between us ( Vikram, Mr and Mrs Sabnis senior and I)

Anoop & Vikram : Ajoba..tumhi aamhaala fasavlaat...aadheech sangitla hota tumhi ki tumhi tya room madhye faqt 2 jananna thevnaar aahat mhanun, mag ha teesra kuthun aala.
( Grandpa, you had promised just 2 in the room, then what the fuck is this third man doing there)
Aajoba: Actually, tya room madhye chaar jana rahnya evdhi jaaga aahe ( actually the room can accomodate four..as if he did some meharbaani to us by renting out his outhouse)
Anoop: Tumhi unreasonable ach nahi "chor" pan aahat. Aadhi paishe lootle aamche and atta bag chori karun ghari lapavla aahe
Aaji : Nahi denaar bag kay karnaar tumhi ( In her usual crankay way)
Anoop : Aaho aaji.. ordu nakos..Khapsheel ( O, Aaji, dont shout , you may die !)
Anoop and Vikram in chorus: Aamhi kahi hi karu shakto. Aamhi tumcha gharachya kaaj vagere fodu aani tumchi gaadi chi vaat lavun taaku. Bolva police la baghu kay karta tumhi. Aamchi pan police madhye khoop oolakh aahe aani aamhi tasa hi police complain karnaar aahot ki tumhi aamche bag chorlat mhanun . Gap chup bag dya aani gappa basaa. ( we will shatter all the belongings in your house. You can call the police if you want to ..lets see what you do. Call the police, we too have strings we can pull. We are going to register a police complaint that you robbed our bags. )
Ajoba and Aaji frighteningly parted with our possessions, clearly sensing that the above words which we uttered could well be true and if the police came then they had no chance.
Off we went in front of their faces not paying that months rent too..having stayed there for 10 days in that month :-))
Then we shifted immediately to our new house which was a bungalow called "Yashashri". We were just finishing shifting the stuff in our rented " tempo" ( the three tyre auto rickshwaw with a cover on top), that we were attacked by a ferocious looking dog. This dog was swift and it wasnt afraid of any of us ( rickshaw- walla, Vikram and I). Probably it was the care taker's dog..I dunno. The rickshaw- walla fled fearing that the dog would bite him and it clearly looked like it would have, because it was pouncing upon us literally.
Then I decided enough is enough..this dog must be taught a lesson. Off came one of my free-kick style curl kicks which landed resoundingly on the left ear-lobe of the unreasonable canine. The barking suddenly stopped and so did the activity.Well almost.. but we could see the rage within the creature simmer its way up to boiling point when Vikram finally delivered the knock out punch depriving me of that oppurtunity. Vikram had a mean left kick which now landed on the right ear lobe once and then the second time. (Ghor sannatta with stiffled cries ) The dog had resigned to his fate and clearly realized that its masters have arrived. It realized that its better to be discreet and live a sober life rather than show more valor and die. The dog became my pet for the next three years and never did it try a revenge a la Hindi film style, since it new that its small cerebellum had endured enough impact with those three kicks. That pet dog was Moti - the dog

Abhi picture baaki hai mere dost !

Freaks Inc.. Bengaluru.. 15 years 2 months and 8 days later.. Agenda for the meeting: Day 1 1. Paying our respects to the beginning of time ...