Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Back in Black

Fellow Freaks,
Heres the new template, the theme being the ACDC classic "Back in Black". The good thing apart from simplicity is that the blog titles have started to appear in a different font, something which was missing in the previous template. Some more changes which might seem a bit of the blue is the reduction in the contributors list. As and when one of you ( non-contributors) write a blog, the blog template will be updated to add your name to the list. You all still remain members of Freaks Inc and you have access to create new posts. Just being fair in drawing the line between Freaks who read/comment but do not write( = non-freaks on the web) and the others who neither read nor comment nor write.

A few action points:

  • Please make sure that you post all future blogs in small font size.
  • If anyone has the drive, please try to update the main page title using a font other than that used in the template. Need a CSS expert here.
  • Please provide your opinions regarding the new template. If you think that it sucks, please find another one which feels best (Movable types etc) and deploy it. ( admin rights will be given as and when necessary)
  • Think of a new tag line for our blog.
  • Please think of any new links which you might think interesting to add to the Links section
  • Try to become a CONTRIBUTOR

Happy blogging


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