Saturday, May 05, 2007

i've found my non-profit

i have always been confused about charity (just like i have been confused about everything else).

* Why donate ?
- "because you should give back to society" is the most common answer I've encountered. Charity for me is helping someone get out of the rut and make a life for themselves. It should not involve just giving away. I've always felt - "Help not Donate" is the answer. There should be no free lunches.

* How to choose the right institution ?
- Most institutions I knew of were involved in the business of giving away. The feedback loop of what your money was being used for is generally mediocre. All in all, the gratification (in this case, the feeling that you made a difference) is not strong enough to warrant more donations. (I know it sounds against the idea of charity, but appropriate incentives always motivate people better)

I came across today. This to my mind appears to be the perfect charity. It resolves most of my confusions mentioned above. Based on the now famous model of Microfinance, it lets you lend money to someone who needs a loan. After the period of loan, you get repaid where you can choose to re-lend the money. This resolves both of my dilemma's mentioned above. It helps someone get going with their business and help them make a life for themselves. You are involved with the business you are lending to. The feedback loop is great because there is a journals tab which lets you know about the progress of the business at regular intervals.

So go ahead - Change Lives !


SurAj said...

Excellent Idea and great initiative that !

अनूप said...

Ok let me the materialistic money-minded f*** that I am. Charity is a great thing but what I am concerned about over here is that at the end of the day what you are going to get back when the needy repays your loan is just your money back..isn't it? Why should I not invest that in some high profile mutual fund, make money and then lend it to someone who I know and really care about needs the money ? Am I going to get a tax rebate for the money I donate to kiva, because if I am not I fail to see why I do it. For me charity begins and stays at home, so, my money stays in my pocket and is not going to change any lives.. unfortunately !

Yatin said...


That was a very thoughtful gesture on your part to spread the good word around thru this blog.

Meghneel said...


What you're basically saying is that you don't want to give to charity. Although that in and of itself is not a bad (or good) thing, I fail to see how your thought process applies here. You say that you'd rather invest than give to charity; ok, do that; however, I fail to see how not giving to charity is going to help people.

अनूप said...

For me charity means maintaining the Swiss bank lending account that I already have. Parasites like Uncle et al (no names) have lived on me for a while.:-) Jokes apart thats the charity which I was speaking about over here.

- Aup

Abhi picture baaki hai mere dost !

Freaks Inc.. Bengaluru.. 15 years 2 months and 8 days later.. Agenda for the meeting: Day 1 1. Paying our respects to the beginning of time ...