Sunday, June 12, 2005

Journey into the abstract thoughts of an unruly mind

Aup's quotes:

There are many unanswered questions in my mind that I just got into a discussion with Mike. It started with belief or disbelief in God and in the same vein, faith in god-men and realized souls.I second Einstein's thoughts in this regard.He said that "God is something which is simply beyond the fringes of human intelligence". I was thinking that the masses who follow people like Satya Sai Baba for eg. somewhere in time have to arrive at a conscious decision whether they would find the truth if they follow that particular person's path.Sometimes I just delve deep into aspects of metaphysics and it just begins with questions like: what is the nature of the World? Of the Soul, if any? Of God, if such a being does exist? In other words, questions concerning the ultimate nature and meaning of existence. I am confronted with dodgy questions which almost seem unanswerable like: Who am I? What is my role in this context called life? Am I here just do mundane activities like working 9-5, earning money and helping people. What is the ultimate truth and though I believe there is one, how do I get there.Sometimes I stand in front of a mirror and just look at myself as a different person, it just freaks me out and I transcend into a totally different world, in a world where I don't understand who I am. It takes 15-20 minutes to ascend to that level of concentration and then nothing comes out of it.It is such a scary thought to fathom such an identity crisis that I shrug myself off and remind myself that " are Anoop Deshpande, a 26 year old and you still have a lot to learn". I have never discussed such freaky things with anyone but I was surprised to find that Mike too has experienced such a thing, hence I instinctively decided that this warrants a blog to get people's views. One more task which I cannot accomplish is "Thinking about NOTHING". Just close your eyes and think about NOTHING..its just impossible. Mike was telling me that its exactly when he tries to think about NOTHING that he ends up thinking about everything, everything unrelated. Another question slightly off the hook is "DEJA-VU", what is it , why does it happen and why does it happen so frequently in my case(not for you to answer)..freak if you may..I had a Deja vu that I would be writing such a blog today.So after throwing a barrage of questions in a confusing blog, I leave the rest to Mike to pour in his creative juices.

Mike's quotes:
The one question that nags me the most is "What is the purpose of this life?" Whenever I try to think about this, I ask myself whether there is a higher purpose to life or whether life is meant to just exist, that is there is no other purpose to life than just to exist. I don't mean to say that existence, per se, is bad, but I have this romantic notion that the reason for our existence is not just procreation and the hoarding of materialistic wealth. I hope to discover, some day, that the life that I led was not for nought. If you think bout it, there are a lot of physical laws about which we know the how, but not the whys. For example, we do not know WHY gravity only attracts, we do not know WHY a sodium atom reacts with a chlorine atom. Therefore, I think there's some answer somewhere that will explains the whys. When I try to think about the purpose of life, I sometimes wonder about "Who m I?", "What the hell am I doing here?" By here, I mean in this world, as a living, thinking being, what am I doing, really? It is a pretty freaky state of mind... Like Aup says, I too have to shake myself out of it, saying, "Ok, sir, you are Meghneel Gore, a 25 year old..." I may have repeated many things that Aup has said, but that's how I feel too. Any takers for these questions?

Abhi picture baaki hai mere dost !

Freaks Inc.. Bengaluru.. 15 years 2 months and 8 days later.. Agenda for the meeting: Day 1 1. Paying our respects to the beginning of time ...